Long time no... nevermind
Well I thought I'd at least update this blog once between now and the end of the year, so this is it. That's not exactly true, or at least I don’t plan on making it true.
To say my life has changed would be an understatement, going to school now has me all disoriented for right now. It used to be that I had it pretty easy, at work I would work, or at least work some of the time and keep up with everything in my world on the internet the rest of the time, then when I left work the remainder of the day was my time with very few solid commitments thrown in there. I was free to go to the driving range, play soccer or hoops, go play pokie, or just come home an watch TV, all guilt free. Those days, like breakfast are OVER. Now every minute that I have free is a minute that I *should* be studying, or if I am not then it is some time that I think I should be studying, not such good times. I guess all of this will sort itself out over time as I find out my balance between school and non-school, but for right now it is wearing me down. Another big change is just the amount of work needed for my classes compared to how little work I was able to get by with back in my Santa Barbie days, lots of homework and in lots of difficult classes, and now it seems like I have a round of midterms starting, or they have been going since last week… lots of work.
On the upside I just turned 29, so I am almost 30, so that rocks, that is another strange phenomenon, going to classes with mostly those about 10 years younger than you. I did have a great B-day weekend though, Friday hung at the beach after school til sunset then went to dinner with some of my peeps then back tot Adman’s for some late night Risk. Saturday I ran around and did some shopping for various things I needed for school and around the house, then Sara and I just had some take out and watched some netflix, Freeks and Geeks, at home, I needed the rest. Also I listened to some of the commentaries on the first disc DVD, some interesting tidbits, I guess the guy who played Bill is not at all like that and was more of the burn out type in high school, and they frequently reference the fact that the kid who played Sam is now “close to seven feet tall” and some hoops player, so much for any ideas of that show coming back.
I guess I better get back to my schoolin’ as all this bloggin’ is making me thirsty, er feel guilty.